Latest E-commerce website trends

Every business is making its intelligent moves in 2022 to recover from the hard-hit of the Corona pandemic. Entrepreneurs are working out effective criteria to stand out from the competitors. The pandemic situation has transformed both enterprises and human lives to be more and more digital day by day. Online sales, corporate work, schools, colleges, are depending on the internet to ensure non-interrupted workflow. Let us have a look at some of the latest e-commerce website trends to transform your online sales and attract more leads this year. 


1. Vertical alignment of menu

Horizontal menu alignment has been a legacy for the past few decades on E-commerce websites. Popularity and acceptance of smartphones irrespective of the classes and age group in the society was the real push behind vertical menus thought to fit online sales into a small smartphone screen. Vertical menus can occupy both sides of the small screen. So it won’t take up too much of a space. Having a primary horizontal menu and a vertical menu for secondary/detailed navigation is the current e-commerce website trend. 


2. Blurring boundaries between physical and digital stores

Distinct boundaries between online and physical stores were inevitable for sales till recent times. Now, businesses put efforts to blur the boundaries. They deploy chatbots, video calls, and instant pop up to update the customer regarding the stock available in their nearest stores. To tackle the pandemic situation, businesses pick up the customers who transact through the physical stores, online. 


Do follow our blogs to check out a few more of the top e-commerce website trends.

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