A glossary of Mobile application design: A few more terms

Prototype: A prototype can help you visualize how your mobile application works before the app launch. It can help you understand how the mobile app looks, and how the customers feel while using it. In simpler terms, prototypes can ve otherwise be called a working model. A prototype helps you to stay proactive, identify potential problems in advance, by testing the user journey through the proposed mobile application.

Mockups: Mockups give you a fair idea of the proposed mobile application focusing on looks, especially color, typography, iconography, and overall style. It can help you find out problems that were not visible during the wireframing and prototyping. You can explore the brand’s visual identity through the mockup process.

Wireframes, prototypes, and mockups are three different stages in mobile application design. They complement each other. But should not be taken as one serves the purpose of the other.

Customer/user persona: A customer persona is a realistic character( which is developed) with wants, needs, motivations, and frustrations based on the data on customer research and behaviors. User personas enable the product teams to better understand and empathize with the user. Hence, the user persona characteristics represent the needs of a larger group. User persona covers details of an ideal customer that impact the product design direction. It includes the customer needs, attitudes, goals, and demographic information like age, gender, occupation, geographical location, and personality.

Some other terms in mobile application design are,

Design tools (Figma)-an effective tool used for various phases in mobile app design, User stories (anticipated user actions), Use cases(how users perform actions in your application), and user flow (the way through which users navigate in the mobile application).


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