Author Archives: intertoons


Interoons aim at providing electronically intelligent and comprehensive range of digital marketing solutions that exceed customer expectations. We implement revolutionary digital marketing ideas to achieve a common as well as the aggregate growth of the organization. Long-term customer relations and extended support are maintained.

Web development

SQL Server OLEDB Proc to send WhatsApp Message

CREATE PROCEDURE SendWhatsAppMessage @AccountSid VARCHAR(50), @AuthToken VARCHAR(50), @FromNumber VARCHAR(20), @ToNumber VARCHAR(20), @Message VARCHAR(1000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Url VARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @PostData VARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @ResponseText VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @WinHttpReq INT SET @Url =...

April 17, 2023
Web development

AI SEO Checklist

Here is a checklist of key elements to consider when implementing AI (artificial intelligence) for SEO (search engine optimization): Keyword Research: Use AI-powered keyword research tools to identify the most...

January 13, 2023