Advantages of cloud virtual machines over conventional hosting

Advantages of cloud virtual machines over conventional hosting

Instead of being accessible via physical hardware, all servers, software and networks are hosted in the cloud, off-premises. It’s a real-time virtual environment hosted between several different servers at the same time. Investing money into purchasing physical servers in-house, you can rent the data storage space from cloud computing providers on a more cost-effective pay-per-use basis.

The main Advantages of web hosting are:

Resilience and Elasticity

The information and applications hosted in the cloud are evenly distributed across all the servers, which are connected to work as one. Therefore, if one server fails, no data is lost and downtime is avoided. The cloud also offers more storage space and server resources, including better computing power. This means software and applications will perform faster.

Flexibility and Scalability

Cloud hosting offers an enhanced level of flexibility and scalability. The on-demand virtual space of cloud computing has unlimited storage space and more server will have full control to install any software as and whenever you need it.


Cloud hosting is managed by the storage provider who takes care of all the necessary hardware, ensures security measures are in place, and keeps it running smoothly. Traditional data centers require heavy administration in-house, which can be costly and time consuming for your business.

Running Costs

Cloud computing is more cost-effective than traditional IT infrastructure due to methods of payment for the data storage services. With cloud-based services, you only pay for what is used.


Cloud computing is an external form of data storage and software delivery, which can make it seem less secure than local data hosting. Choosing a cloud service provider that is completely transparent in its hosting of cloud platforms and ensures optimum security measures are in place is crucial when transitioning to the cloud.


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